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Maintenance instructions

Leather shoes can, with proper maintenance, serve us for a long time.

After each use they must be carefully cleaned of dust using a soft brush or a soft cloth to avoid scratches.

Using a brush is preferable for footwear with lots of stitching and patterns because it cleans deeply. The patent leather can only be cleaned with a soft cloth. Shoes made of chamois, nubuck or suede are only cleaned with a soft brush in the direction of their pile. For nubuck and castor shoes, the black spots that may be created by use should be cleaned using a special eraser that you can get from polishers (after reading any instructions for use).

Next, with a soft brush, we bring the pile of skin in the right direction. Varnishing leather shoes - not chamois, nubuck, chamois, patent leather - should be done with good quality nail polishes and not self polishes which damage the leather. We always use the same color of polish as the shoe so that the color does not change - in case there is no polish in the same color it is preferable to use transparent polish (without color) to polish our shoes. Polishing shoes should be done often and definitely before storing them due to the change of season.

If our shoes get wet, we always let them dry away from sources of heat (radiators, etc.) at natural temperature for as long as they are needed. In order to get an excellent result, it would be good to use wooden catkins and (preferably cedar) to avoid synthetic catkins as they do not have the ability to absorb moisture!


Leather shoes need to breathe and "rest", so continuous long-term use puts a strain on them, and here again the use of wooden shoes is appropriate!

We change the protective rubbers of the heels in time when they wear out so that the rest of the heel is not damaged.

Oily skins are preserved with the special fat after they have been thoroughly cleansed.

In summary, the better our favorite shoes are maintained, the longer they will serve us.


We will be happy to answer any of your questions.

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